2016-09-20 14:42:48

JUE GA      composer , Tibetan nationality.

Composer Jue Ga received his undergraduate degree from the Sichuan Conservatory Of Music and completed both master’s and doctoral degrees from the Shanghai Conservatory Of Music. At present, Jue Ga is engaged in the creation and development of a post-doctoral studies center at the Central Conservatory Of Music in Beijing, in addition to his artistic and compositional activities.

JUE Ga’s list of works is extensive and includes many genres,    创作的作品体裁广泛,包括独唱、独奏、合唱、室内乐、管弦乐、民族管弦乐、舞蹈音乐等。 including instrumental solos, works for solo voice, chorus, chamber music, symphonies, works for traditional orchestra, and dance music etc.. His music has been enthusiastically received throughout Asia with premieres       作品先后在成都、拉萨、台中、台北、北京、新加坡、上海、东京等地演出并受到好评。in Chengdu, Lhasa,  Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, the USA and elsewhere. 部分作品由中央电视台、西藏电视台、西藏人民广播电台等媒体播发,并被收录到多种音像专辑和歌曲专辑出版发行。 His music has been broadcast on CCTV (Central China Television), Tibet Television, the Tibet People's Broadcasting Station.
